Thursday, 3 July 2014

22 Jump Street | Movie Review

22 Jump Street stars Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum and is the sequel to 21 Jump Street. This film has Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum going to college to take down yet another drug empire and they have relationship problems and the plot follows exactly like the first one.

This film beats you over the head about how much this film is like it's predecessor. It actually copies several plot lines even line for line in some cases. There are so many similarities and it makes it so funny because they are so referential to even the original TV show with Johnny Depp.

I really liked this film. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum have terrific on screen chemistry and work better together than just by themselves although that may just be the characters the actors are playing. Ice Cube is so much better in this film than the last film, mainly because of his increased amount of screen time compared to 21 Jump Street. There are also some great cameos that were funny and noticeable.

This film also has the greatest end credits scene ever and not everyone will get it (especially the more mainstream audience) although most people will get it and hopefully appreciate it for the gem of comedy it is. One flaw I have is that the film is too long. Not at the end but more at the middle of the film, it may only have need 5-10 minutes less but regardless of how much I felt it went over, the point is that it went over.

I'm going to give 22 Jump Street


I'm Jonathan and this is Movies for the People

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