Sunday 7 September 2014

Grand Theft Auto V - Video Game Review

Okay guys, after a long break, Entertainment for the People is back with a review for hands down the most popular video game of 2013. Grand Theft Auto V is yet another addition to the controversial, violent and drug heavy game.

The story mode focuses on three main characters: Trevor, Michael and Franklin. Trevor is the most popular and craziest character. He is the biggest reason this game is so controversial. Then there is Franklin, he is the most interesting character. He goes from a poor man to a crime lord. Finally, there is Michael, his storyline is the most boring, but at times he can be the most fun to play with.

The online mode is very fun. Earning money and trying to level up as fast as possible so you can compete with others is a lot of fun. The only problem with the online mode is that sometimes you are left with nothing to do and are just roaming around, left with only robbing convenience stores and annoying people online, they need to add more missions and I'm not going to bother to go in to the fact that the online mode needs more heists such as bank and jewellery stores, just like the story mode has. At least having online races and death matches is fun depending on who you are playing with.

The graphics in this game are absolutely stunning and the world is so clear and detailed. I can't wait to see how this game looks on current gen systems when it is released in December on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Overall Grand Theft Auto V is a really fun game that leaves you with lots of gameplay

I'm going to give Grand Theft Auto V


I'm Jonathan and this is Games for the People 

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