Friday, 26 September 2014

Frank | Movie Review

Frank stars Domhnall Gleeson, Michael Fassbender, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Scoot McNairy. In this film, Domhnall Gleeson joins a band and the leader singer, Frank, played by Michael Fassbender, is a person who always wears this huge head and never takes it off. He showers with it, eats liquid food through a straw and even sleeps with the mask on. I don't want to say too much about where this movie goes and how it unfolds.

Domhnall Gleeson plays a character who starts out kind of normal, and becomes a person who holds a certain amount of power in the band. The film shows what he does with that power. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays an absolute psycho whose character slowly develops, maybe not becoming any less crazy, but development nonetheless. Scoot McNairy is great as always and is sort of a transition for Domhnall Gleeson's character. Michael Fassbender pulls off one of the best performances of the year.

I absolutely adored this movie. I thought the writing was on point the whole time. It knew when to unleash it's comedy. It is really funny when it wants to be, and you really care about the characters when they want you to care about the characters. I found myself in particular, really attached to Michael Fassbender and Scoot McNairy. I love how as the film goes on, you start to doubt the quality of the band, however I loved the song at the end, just saying.

I'm going to give Frank


I'm Jonathan and this is Movies for the People

Thursday, 25 September 2014

The Boxtrolls | Movie Review

The Boxtrolls is an stop-motion animated that was on my top 10 most anticipated movies of the year since January. The movie stars Issac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark) as the main character, Eggs. Eggs is a baby who was taken by the Boxtrolls and raised by them. He thinks that he himself is a Boxtroll because that's all he knows. All the Boxtrolls (and Eggs) are named whatever is on the box that they wear (Shoes, Fish, Fragile, Wheels, Bucket, Sweets etc). Ben Kingsley voices Archibald Snatcher, a man-ish who is trying to steal all the Boxtrolls so he can get his white hat. If you are not confused right now, it's because you have already seen the movie.

This movie looks absolutely incredible. This is from the makers of Coraline and Paranorman so I was looking foward to the animation. There are definitely some scenes that you look at and you just have to take a moment and pay respect to whoever put in so much attention to detail that it looks almost flawlessly. The cheese scene will hopefully go on to be iconic in the world of stop motion animation.

My main problem with this movie is that it takes a long time to pick up. The first 45 minutes to an hour was very slow and I found quite weak in the humour department. I don't mind if it's not a comedy but the story was lacking and it seemed as if they were dragging out the story to make it a movie length story. They repeated the same plot points over and over and maybe even repeated the same lines once or twice. However, there was a certain point in the movie, just over half way, where it picks up and becomes a really solid and funny movie that I enjoyed and wanted for the first half.

Overall The Boxtrolls is a mixed bag with stunning stop motion

I'm going to give The Boxtrolls


I'm Jonathan and this is Movies for the People

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Grand Theft Auto V - Video Game Review

Okay guys, after a long break, Entertainment for the People is back with a review for hands down the most popular video game of 2013. Grand Theft Auto V is yet another addition to the controversial, violent and drug heavy game.

The story mode focuses on three main characters: Trevor, Michael and Franklin. Trevor is the most popular and craziest character. He is the biggest reason this game is so controversial. Then there is Franklin, he is the most interesting character. He goes from a poor man to a crime lord. Finally, there is Michael, his storyline is the most boring, but at times he can be the most fun to play with.

The online mode is very fun. Earning money and trying to level up as fast as possible so you can compete with others is a lot of fun. The only problem with the online mode is that sometimes you are left with nothing to do and are just roaming around, left with only robbing convenience stores and annoying people online, they need to add more missions and I'm not going to bother to go in to the fact that the online mode needs more heists such as bank and jewellery stores, just like the story mode has. At least having online races and death matches is fun depending on who you are playing with.

The graphics in this game are absolutely stunning and the world is so clear and detailed. I can't wait to see how this game looks on current gen systems when it is released in December on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Overall Grand Theft Auto V is a really fun game that leaves you with lots of gameplay

I'm going to give Grand Theft Auto V


I'm Jonathan and this is Games for the People