Saturday, 5 April 2014

The Lego Movie - Movie Review

The Lego Movie is a 2014 animation. This film is basically the world of Lego. This movie depicts Emmet (voiced by Chris Pratt) who is just a normal guy who follows the Lego instructions until he is taken away by Wyldstyle (voiced by Elizabeth Banks) and has to save the world from Lord Business (voiced by Will Ferrel).

The animation starts of really jarring but you quickly get used to it and it becomes really cool and original. The way the characters move is how Lego's would move and everything is made of Lego and can only do things actual Lego pieces would do.

This film is always on and if you look away for a second you will probably miss a joke and the jokes are so funny. The funniest character being Bad Cop (voiced by Liam Neeson) however everyone is extremely funny and Everything is Awesome! (see the film for everything is awesome reference).

This film is amazing and one of the best animations I've seen in a while

I'm going to give The Lego Movie


I'm Jonathan and Everything is Awesome 
and also this is Movies for the People

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