Friday, 28 March 2014

American Hustle - Movie Review

American Hustle stars Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner and Jennifer Lawerance. It is set in the late 70’s and is about Christian Bale who plays Irving Rosenfeld a con man who sort of falls in love with Amy Adams while at the same time becomes partners with her at conning other people, funny thing is Christian Bale is married, to Jennifer Lawerance who is a complete nutcase. In this review I won’t be able to explain how awesome Jennifer Lawerance’s character is in this movie. Jennifer Lawerance isn’t in the movie for too long but the parts she is in are the stand out parts of this film. So long story short, Bradley Cooper who plays an FBI agent catches the pair when he attempts to catch them conning him but he sort of falls in love with Amy Adams which means he kind of wants to help them even if it is only Amy Adams character he cares about. So he makes a deal with them to con a bunch of politicians into taking bribes in exchange for like no charges or something like that, and one of those politicians is Jeremy Renner who plays the mayor but Christian Bale doesn’t really want to con him because they sort of strike up a friendship while they try to get closer to him. Sound confusing, well it really isn’t it is actually pretty well told.

I have to touch on the acting. The acting in this movie is probably the best acting I have seen in film all year. Christian Bale is oscar worthy along with Jennifer Lawerance and heck even Bradley Cooper was phenomenal. There is also an awesome cameo towards the latter half of the movie which like me, might take you a second to realize who he is and then you’ll be like oh damn it’s that guy.

Really the first half of this movie in terms of direction, some people have called it a rip-off of a Scorcese film, which I didn’t really think it is. I thought it was more of an homage to the talent and style that is Martin Scorcese. However I really congratulate the director David O’Rusell because if he is copying off of Scorcese, I mean hey, he did a pretty good job in my opinion, I mean I just watched The Departed like 2 days ago and that’s why I think I noticed a lot of striking similarities in the dialogue.

Ok, I would be an idiot if I didn’t mention the soundtrack in this movie by Danny Elfman. Oh my word it is so good, it is easily the best soundtrack of 2013. I was like bobbing my head in some scenes it was great.

So overall the acting is great, the soundtrack is phenomenal, the story flows really well and the directing by David O’Rusell is excellent, I really hope the academy recognizes him at the Oscars along with this movie in general. So as for the whole 94% on rotten tomatoes over rated thing. I don’t think it is I think that it is totally justified, and some people have said that the movie focuses more on the characters than it does on the story, I completely disagree, as complicated as the plot sounds once it gets going it really flows nicely and it is a 2 hour 20 minute movie giving time for both the characters and the story, I don’t think it should’ve have been shorter, I don’t think they should have focused less on the characters I think it was done brilliantly.

I'm going to give American Hustle
I'm Jonathan and this is Movies for the People

Man Christian Bale got fat in this movie, goes from being super skinny in The Machinist, to super buff in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, to skinny in The Fighter, to buff again in The Dark Knight Rises and fat in American Hustle. That guy is committed. I hear he ate nothing but an apple and a can of tuna a day to get skinny for The Machinist, that’s insane.

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