Sunday, 23 March 2014

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 20 "Daisy" - Episode Review

The 4th last episode of How I Met Your Mother reveals a lot about the past season and the future beyond the show.

This episode sees Marshall, Ted, Barney, Ranjit and The Karate Kid's very own Billy Zabka trying to figure out who Lily went with and why after she stormed out on their big fight. Meanwhile Robin's mother has flown in for the wedding and Robin is realising Barney is very similar to her father.

Like I said this episode brings Lily's story full circle and for the most part Marshall however this season you could tell Lily was up to something and I predicted the twist that came in this episode about 4 minutes before they revealed it however that didn't keep me any less off the edge of the seat as the "Mosby Boys" try to crack the case.

I can't wait to see what happens with only 3 episodes left and I will of course be reviewing them spoiler free and have a huge series spoiler filled review not long after my series finale review.

Despite seeing the twist coming I still love this episode

I'm going to give HIMYM S09E20 'Daisy'
I'm Jonathan and this TV for the People

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