Well I was wrong, this is the last 'joke heavy' episode as far as I can tell (however the preview to The End of the Aisle may say other wise) because the last 2 episodes really need to deliver a ton of story.
The plot of this episode is that Gary Blauman arrives at the wedding and each person recounts their experiences with Gary Blauman and whether they want him to leave or stay.
This episode is really funny and while some say that detracts from the story (which is not what you want to happen in the 3rd last episode) I say it what they were going for because in my opinion they will be either very joke heavy on the next one and story and emotion heavy on the finale or just go story and emotion for both because that's what we need with so many loose ends to tie.
Speaking of loose ends a sub plot in this episode never gets resolved I won't spoil it or anything though.
Overall I really enjoyed this episode so far the show is going out with a bang
I'm going to give HIMYM S09E21 - Gary Blauman
I'm Jonathan and this is TV For The People
Stay tuned for the final two reviews of HIMYM
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