This movie is 2 hours and 45 minutes and for the most part it is interesting. There is however one part (without spoiling anything) involves somewhere were a group elves live (not sure if it's Rivendale or not, my bad) and the scene last about 10 minutes however it is followed up by one of the best scenes in fantasy films ever.
The dragon Smaug is amazing (voiced by the talented Benedict Cumberbatch), he looks awesome with top notch special effects with everything to do with Smaug and his lair.
There are some awesome new characters in this movie however Legolas was my favourite character in Lord of the Rings but he seemed a little stale in this film.

Despite it's flaws it is a fun film
I'm going to give The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
An A-
I'm Jonathan and this is Movies For The People
I'm Jonathan and this is Movies For The People
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